Get Things Done!
Post or Search to Get Things Done in Real-time!

Post or Search
Post or Search Services and Get Smart Matched
Matches will continuously learn and update in realtime to your specific search or post details!
Providers Can Post a Service OR Search for Consumers
Consumers Can Post a Service Request OR Search for Providers
Just type the Service you want to Post, like: “I want my kitchen sink fixed in Santa Monica today between 2pm and 5pm” and Click on the Post [icon].
Select: Select from Providers who Responded to your Post.
Connect: Click on Phone+ [Icon] and get Connected to the providers you Selected.
Hire: Hire one or more to Get Things Done!

Just type the Service you want to Request like: “I want my kitchen sink fixed in Santa Monica today between 2pm and 4pm” and Click on the Search [icon].
Select: Select from Providers who Matched your Search.
Connect: Click on Phone+ [Icon] and get Connected to the providers you Selected.
Hire: Hire one to Get Things Done!
Simplia Connect
Invite. Show. Watch.
Just Type the Phone Number, Email or Simplia ID, add a message if you like, then Click to Invite, Show, or Watch.
To Make a Simple Phone Call.
To Show Your Screen Live in the Call.
To Watch Others Screens Live in the Call
Add Video or Whiteboard when you need it.
Use Advanced Options for full featured online meetings like Scheduling and more.
How It Works
Simplia unifies all forms of communications into one Model
ONE place
We combine all the stages from Search, Fulfillment, and Support into one conversation thread.
1. Search or Post
Jane visits Simplia Search Engine. She searches for plumbers near her home to fix a leaking faucet.
2. Select
She picks Joe’s Plumbing, the highest rated plumber who responded, chats with him or talks with him.

3. Connect
In the same conversation Jane and Joe discuss price. The talk about price of repairing Jane’s faucet versus replacing her faucet and negotiate price and labor.
4. Order
Jane agrees on a new Smart Faucet for $150 and makes a confirmed appointment with Joe for the same day while still on the same page and conversation.
5. Book
Later when Joe comes over and installs the Smart Faucet, the Faucet itself becomes a party to the conversation too because the Simplia model includes Smart Devices. At any time, Jane can control or configure the faucet from Simplia.
6. Pay
Jane pays Joe in the same conversation by clicking “Pay” while still on the same page. Jane can pay with her credit card or her Simplia Wallet, and her receipt will be attached in the same conversation thread and on the same page.
7. Follow Up
Once the Smart Faucet is installed it remains a party in the same conversation. It’s Bot can post messages, alerts etc. and Jane can control settings on the device by opening the “Delta Control Panel” Attachment instead of looking for a manual or calling Joe.

COMBINING communications
We combine all features of email, messaging, and sharing to mimic a real communication experience.
In Simplia, like email, our context is simply the combination of the Thread we are in and the Subject we are on in any conversation:
Context = Thread/Subject
Users share “Things” like Photos, Documents, Messages, Videos, etc.. virtually anything and give Access to a Thing by allowing a Role in the Thing. Like Sharing a Photo with a Follower, or Sharing a Document with an Editor as opposed to only a Viewer or Commenter.
So you can Offer, Request of Grant Roles in Things. Using the same model, you can Invite, Join or Meet with anyone online because Live Meetings are Things too in Simplia!
Share Virtually Anything
Offer, Request, or Grant Roles
Invite, Join, or Meet with Anyone
Share Live Meetings
Why Simplia?
How Simplia Helps You Get Things Done
Getting Things Done
WITH simplia
Jane’s Search is in Real-time and is Productive
- Jane searches Simplia for plumbers near her home to fix a leaking faucet between 2-4 pm today.
Jane’s Search is Advertised in Real-time
- Simplia advertises Jane’s search to providers available at Jane’s time and location. So unlike typical searches, a Search itself is also a real-time advertisement by the Consumer to Providers!
Jane Selects Providers from Search Results
- In real-time, Jane also gets notifications from nearby available plumbers requesting contact, all while staying on the same search page. She selects the highest rated plumbers who respond.
Jane Can View Reliable Reviews of All Her Selections
- Jane doesn’t have to do research, she can quickly view the profiles, reputations, and background checks of all her selections. Jane chats or talks with her selections and, in one conversion itself, makes a confirmed appointment for the same day in less than fifteen minutes.
Jane Can Control Devices Like Her Smart Faucet From Simplia Connect
- Later when the plumber comes over and installs the Smart Faucet, the Faucet itself becomes a party to the conversation too, because the Simplia model includes Smart Devices. At any time, Jane can now control, configure, or get help with her new Faucet on Simplia.
Jane’s Conversations with All Her Selections Stay in One Place
- Jane’s conversations, notifications, contacts, & provider ratings stay organized all on the same page all in the same place on Simplia.
Getting Things Done
WITHOUT simplia
Jane’s Search is Time Consuming & Unproductive
- Jane visits Google, Yellow Pages or Craigslist. She searches for plumbers near her home, gets hundreds of results, selects three, calls each one, all the calls go to voicemail, leaves messages, one calls back, “can’t do it today, can do day after”.
Jane Has No Option to Advertise Her Search
- With no other choice, Jane waits for more callbacks and continuously searches sites.
Jane Has to Settle On Search Results Only, Since She Couldn’t Advertise Her Search
- Jane now exhausted from searching all over the place and running out of time, selects the only Provider that called her back who wasn’t available until tomorrow. Afterthought: is he reliable?
Jane Has to Research Unreliable Reviews and Backgrounds of Each Selection
- Jane worries if she made the right choice and spends additional time researching reputation. Looks up popular review sites with tons of reviews, many that are unreliable and confusing. Having spent an hour, Jane stays with her original selection.
Jane Has Get the Manual or Contact the Manufacturer for Configuration & Control Access of Her New Device.
- Later after the plumber installs Jane’s new Smart Faucet she has to read the manual or go to the manufacturer website to get her Smart Faucet configured or to submit a support ticket.
Jane’s Conversations With Her Selections Are All Over the Place
- Jane finds it cumbersome to keep track of her conversations & actions. After first contact, all the additional conversations are in different applications and the Thread of activities resulting from her searches are difficult to reconstruct in one place.
Getting Things Done With & Without Simplia
WITH simplia
Jane’s Search is in Real-time and is Productive
- Jane searches Simplia for plumbers near her home to fix a leaking faucet between 2-4 pm today.
WITHOUT simplia
Jane’s Search is Time Consuming & Unproductive
- Jane visits Google, Yellow Pages or Craigslist. She searches for plumbers near her home, gets hundreds of results, selects three, calls each one, all the calls go to voicemail, leaves messages, one calls back, “can’t do it today, can do day after”.
WITH simplia
Jane’s Search is Advertised in Real-time
- Simplia advertises Jane’s search to providers available at Jane’s time and location. So unlike typical searches, a Search itself is also a real-time advertisement by the Consumer to Providers!
WITHOUT simplia
Jane Has No Option to Advertise Her Search
- With no other choice, Jane waits for more callbacks and continuously searches sites.
WITH simplia
Jane Selects Providers from Search Results
- In real-time, Jane also gets notifications from nearby available plumbers requesting contact, all while staying on the same search page. She selects the highest rated plumbers who respond.
WITHOUT simplia
Jane Has to Settle On Search Results Only, Since She Couldn’t Advertise Her Search
- Jane now exhausted from searching all over the place and running out of time, selects the only Provider that called her back who wasn’t available until tomorrow. Afterthought: is he reliable?
WITH simplia
Jane Can View Reliable Reviews of All Her Selections
- Jane doesn’t have to do research, she can quickly view the profiles, reputations, and background checks of all her selections. Jane chats or talks with her selections and, in one conversion itself, makes a confirmed appointment for the same day in less than fifteen minutes.
WITHOUT simplia
Jane Has to Research Unreliable Reviews and Backgrounds of Each Selection
- Jane worries if she made the right choice and spends additional time researching reputation. Looks up popular review sites with tons of reviews, many that are unreliable and confusing. Having spent an hour, Jane stays with her original selection.
WITH simplia
Jane Can Control Devices Like Her Smart Faucet From Simplia Connect
- Later when the plumber comes over and installs the Smart Faucet, the Faucet itself becomes a party to the conversation too, because the Simplia model includes Smart Devices. At any time, Jane can now control, configure, or get help with her new Faucet on Simplia.
WITHOUT simplia
Jane Has Get the Manual or Contact the Manufacturer for Configuration & Control Access of Her New Device.
- Later after the plumber installs Jane’s new Smart Faucet she has to read the manual or go to the manufacturer website to get her Smart Faucet configured or to submit a support ticket.
WITH simplia
Jane’s Conversations with All Her Selections Stay in One Place
- Jane’s conversations, notifications, contacts, & provider ratings stay organized all on the same page all in the same place on Simplia.
WITHOUT simplia
Jane’s Conversations With Her Selections Are All Over the Place
- Jane finds it cumbersome to keep track of her conversations & actions. After first contact, all the additional conversations are in different applications and the Thread of activities resulting from her searches are difficult to reconstruct in one place.
Simplia Compared to Zoom Meetings
Chat, Audio, Video, Whiteboard | ||
NO Need to Download and Install | ||
Share Documents and Forms | ||
Contextual Meetings* |