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Here you will find all the tools you need to manage your Services, Bookings, Customers, Communications, Billings, Website etc.

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Booking – Add Staff

Booking – Custom Email Notifications

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Simplia Booking Dashboard Overview

Booking Edit Services

Booking Calendar Overview

Simplia Media Library

Embed Video on Landing Page

Create Web Stories

Booking Dashboard Overview

Edit Site – Add Button

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Booking – Staff – Add Category and Edit Staff

Booking Customer Management

Booking Payments

Booking Overview

Booking Services Overview

Integrate Facebook content into your website

Increase engagement between you and your users, customers, or fans. Get more likes by displaying your Facebook content and comments directly on your site.

Display Instagram feeds on your site

Automatically push your new Instagram content straight to your site to keep it looking fresh and keeping your audience engaged.

Display YouTube feeds on your site

Don’t have time to update videos on your website? Save time and increase efficiency by only posting your videos to YouTube and automatically displaying them on your website.

Create beautiful and engaging Web Stories and share

Web Stories are a free, open-web, visual storytelling format for the web, enabling you to easily create visual narratives with engaging animations and tappable interactions, and immerse your readers in great and fast-loading full-screen experiences.